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Per ASQD guidelines, our dances will now be at the SSD and Plus levels. A few special dances are held at the student class level. Our dances also feature round dancing.
Square dancing provides a healthy low-impact aerobic form of exercise. As with any new form of exercise, ask your doctor if square dancing is appropriate for you.
People of all ages enjoy square dancing. There are Square Dance Festivals and competitions for teens. Dancers come from all walks of life. You can be a part of this community. We provide classes to jumpstart your dancing proficiency and membership in this community.
American square dancing has roots in several earlier forms of American and European dance. Groups of eight people work together from a starting square formation and perform the dance moves directed by the square dance caller. Many examples can be found on YouTube.
About Square Dancing
People from all walks of life enjoy and support square dancing. Local clubs like the Boots and Bows are the lifeblood of square dancing. State, regional, national and international organizations contribute by supporting square dancing and making large square dancing conventions possible.
Clubs & Other Organizations
Square dancing is easy to learn and offers increasingly challenging dance moves to those wanting to learn more. After the basic/mainstream and plus moves are mastered there are additional advanced and challenge calls to learn. Give it a try and see how much fun you can have dancing.
As Easy or as Challenging as You Want
Our classes are the perfect way to learn to square dance. They are taught by an expert instructor with years of experience teaching beginners and experienced dancers. At the conclusion of the class you will have learned all the basic, mainstream, and plus calls. Most of the dances in Southern California are at the plus level so the class will open up many opportunities to dance and meet new friends.
Classes are fun, provide lots of practice, and let you meet lots of new people. Helpful experienced dancers called “angels” are there to help you learn. You do not need to have a partner. Come by yourself or bring along some friends for a fun inexpensive evening of entertainment and learning.
Boots and Bows monthly dances are on the third Saturday and our next dance is the Sweetheart Dance called and cued by Shauna Kaaria. We are dancing an SSD tip (patter and singing call), followed by a Plus patter tip, followed by a Round dance. We have found that this dance rotation works very well for both our new SSD dancers and Plus experts.
Our next dance is our 69th Anniversary Dance on March 15th, called by Michael Haworth and cued by Judy Keller and Jim Smith.
In other news, a new dancer SSD class is starting on Thursday Feburary 6th from 7 to 8:30PM, with a Plus level class continuing from 8:30 to 9:15, Dale Hoppers calling.
Looking forward to seeing you at our dances and classes - if you have ever danced before, this is the ideal class to get back into square dancing. If you have never square danced, this is the perfect way to get into this activity. Dancing, and in particular Square Dancing, has been proven to benefit both mind and body and to extend your active life span. So join us at the Riviera United Methodist Church, 375 Palos Verde Blvd, Redondo Beach.